Making a move consists of several steps:
- Click on one of the black circles around the gameboard to set the
point from where you want to add a piece.
The new piece will be shown on that position
- Click on the point where you want to move your new piece.
A red cross will appear there.
- Now click on the 'Execute move'-button under the gameboard and your
move will be executed. Pressing <enter> also executes your move.
Clicking a second time on the position wid time on the position with the red cross will also
execute the move.
At the beginning of a tournament game you can add gipf-pieces to the game.
When you want to stop adding gipf-pieces, just click again on the
piece you are adding, the gipf-piece will be replaced with a normal piece.
When the computer-player is thinking on what move to make, a window is
shown with a "thinker" and a button which allows you to interrupt the computer.